Euphorbia carunculifera subsp. subfastigiata

Euphorbia carunculifera subsp. subfastigiata, 1970
Leach, L.C., Cannell, I.C.
Document type: Botanic DarwinCore Document
Collection: Euphorbiaceae  
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Title Euphorbia carunculifera subsp. subfastigiata
Abstract/Summary paratype of Euphorbia carunculifera subsp. subfastigiata
By: Leach, L.C., Cannell, I.C.
At: Angola, Benguela, Hills along the Cavaco river +/- 15 km inland from Benguela.
On: 1970-10-07
Palavras-chave / Keywords
Scientific Name Euphorbia carunculifera subsp. subfastigiata
TypeStatus paratype
Scientific Name Author L.C.Leach
IdentifiedBy Leach, L.C.
Family Euphorbiaceae
Genus Euphorbia
Species carunculifera
Subspecies carunculifera
Basis Of Record PreservedSpecimen
Collector Leach, L.C., Cannell, I.C.
CatalogNumberText LISC011521
CatalogNumberNumeric 11521
YearCollected 1970
Country Angola
StateProvince Benguela
Locality Hills along the Cavaco river +/- 15 km inland from Benguela.
Remarks Densely branched erect shrubs, often with a tree like habit, up to */- 3-4 m high; branches +/- straight, ascending erect, heavily wax coated, dark brown scabid at apex and leaf scars.
29.7 x 43.2 cm, 600 DPI
2006-09-07 12:09:33
Access Statistics: 74 Abstract Views, 17 File Downloads Detailed Statistics
Created: Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 01:25:05 WET by Administrator. Detailed History
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