Lopholaena festiva

Lopholaena festiva, 1989
Brusse, F.
Document type: Botanic DarwinCore Document
Collection: Asteraceae  
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Title Lopholaena festiva
Abstract/Summary paratype of Lopholaena festiva
By: Brusse, F.
At: South Africa, Transvaal, Pietersburg, Vivo. Western Soutpansberg. Farm Ottosdal 45 LS, just east of Mount Letjume, east of Vivo. Wedge shaped Waterberg Sandstone outcrop behind original farm house.
On: 1989-07-07
Palavras-chave / Keywords
3.South Africa
Scientific Name Lopholaena festiva
TypeStatus paratype
Scientific Name Author Brusse
IdentifiedBy Brusse, F.
Family Asteraceae
Genus Lopholaena
Species festiva
Subspecies festiva
Basis Of Record PreservedSpecimen
Collector Brusse, F.
CatalogNumberText LISC002778
CatalogNumberNumeric 2778
YearCollected 1989
Country South Africa
StateProvince Transvaal
County Pietersburg
Locality Vivo. Western Soutpansberg. Farm Ottosdal 45 LS, just east of Mount Letjume, east of Vivo. Wedge shaped Waterberg Sandstone outcrop behind original farm house.
Remarks Erect to sometimes reclining shrub up to 1,2 m tall, but often much smaller, with white, honey-scented flowers. Often single stemmed at base, with stem up to 3 cm thick at base, with fairly thick grey-brown bark. Twigs sooty black. Leaves subfleshy,
29.8 x 43.1 cm, 600 DPI
2006-07-18 15:52:06
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Created: Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 01:24:41 WET by Administrator. Detailed History
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