Crotalaria stuhlmannii var. acuticarinata

Crotalaria stuhlmannii var. acuticarinata, 1964
Greenway , P.J., Polhill, R.M.
Document type: Botanic DarwinCore Document
Collection: Leguminosae  
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Title Crotalaria stuhlmannii var. acuticarinata
Abstract/Summary paratype of Crotalaria stuhlmannii var. acuticarinata
By: Greenway , P.J., Polhill, R.M.
At: Tanzania, T. 5, M. 16.7 E. of Itigi Station.
On: 1964-04-11
Palavras-chave / Keywords
Scientific Name Crotalaria stuhlmannii var. acuticarinata
TypeStatus paratype
Scientific Name Author Polhill
Family Leguminosae
Genus Crotalaria
Species stuhlmannii
Subspecies stuhlmannii
Basis Of Record PreservedSpecimen
Collector Greenway , P.J., Polhill, R.M.
CatalogNumberText LISC002231
CatalogNumberNumeric 2231
YearCollected 1964
Country Tanzania
Locality T. 5, M. 16.7 E. of Itigi Station.
Remarks An annual branched decumbent herb uo to lft. tall; leaves simple, linear-lanceolate shortly stalked; flowers few in a slender open raceme, yellow, the standard on the back and front maroon veined, the sepals maroon, wings yellow tipped with pale maro
29.4 x 43.5 cm, 600 DPI
2006-02-17 12:05:54
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Created: Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 01:24:24 WET by Administrator. Detailed History
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