Trichilia ornithothera

Trichilia ornithothera, 1963
Leeuwenberg, A.J.M.
Document type: Botanic DarwinCore Document
Collection: Meliaceae  
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Title Trichilia ornithothera
Abstract/Summary isotype of Trichilia ornithothera
By: Leeuwenberg, A.J.M.
At: Liberia, Yoma, Nera Yoma, left bank Mahe R, 12 km NE of Bomi Hills.
On: 1963-08-07
Palavras-chave / Keywords
Scientific Name Trichilia ornithothera
TypeStatus isotype
Scientific Name Author J.J.de Wilde
IdentifiedBy de Wilde, J.J.
Family Meliaceae
Genus Trichilia
Species ornithothera
Subspecies ornithothera
Basis Of Record PreservedSpecimen
Collector Leeuwenberg, A.J.M.
CatalogNumberText LISC000986
CatalogNumberNumeric 986
YearCollected 1963
Country Liberia
StateProvince Yoma
Locality Nera Yoma, left bank Mahe R, 12 km NE of Bomi Hills.
Remarks Tree; leaves thinly coriaceous, matt, medium to dark green above, paler beneath; calix pale brownish-green; corolla white, greenish outside; staminal tube white; anthers upright; anthers and stigma pale green; inflorencences confined to apices of bra
30.8 x 43.5 cm, 600 DPI
2005-10-18 13:24:24
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Created: Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 01:23:49 WET by Administrator. Detailed History
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