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  Browse By Year 1943

  Abstract Views File Downloads
Ochna schweinfurthiana, 1943
Torre, A.R.
32 9
Commiphora mollis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
38 8
Commiphora serrata, 1943
Torre, A.R.
55 6
Protea petiolaris, 1943
Andrada, E.C.
32 5
Ekebergia benguelensis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
33 8
Ekebergia capensis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
24 3
Pseudobersama mossambicensis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
35 7
Pseudobersama mossambicensis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
34 5
Pseudobersama mossambicensis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
30 7
Pseudobersama mossambicensis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
34 7
Trichilia capitata, 1943
Torre, A.R.
36 15
Turraea floribunda, 1943
Torre, A.R.
31 5
Olax dissitiflora, 1943
Torre, A.R.
38 11
Ximenia americana var. caffra, 1943
Torre, A.R.
31 7
Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata, 1943
Torre, A.R.
29 5
Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata, 1943
Torre, A.R.
33 6
Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata, 1943
Torre, A.R.
31 7
Cassinopsis tinifolia, 1943
Torre, A.R.
33 22
Pyrenacantha kirkii, 1943
Torre, A.R.
35 13
Pyrenacantha kirkii, 1943
Torre, A.R.
34 3
Ilex mitis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
58 10
Chaetocarpus africanus, 1943
Andrada, E.C.
39 9
Chaetocarpus africanus, 1943
Andrada, E.C.
33 6
Hymenocardia acida, 1943
Andrada, E.C.
34 7
Elaeodendron schlechterianum, 1943
Torre, A.R.
115 13
Loeseneriella africana var. richardiana, 1943
Torre, A.R.
28 6
Gymnosporia acuminata, 1943
Torre, A.R.
24 6
Gymnosporia acuminata, 1943
Torre, A.R.
26 14
Gymnosporia buxifolia, 1943
Torre, A.R.
26 8
Gymnosporia buxifolia, 1943
Torre, A.R.
30 6
Gymnosporia senegalensis, 1943
Torre, A.R.
27 6
Mystroxylon aethiopicum, 1943
Torre, A.R.
24 6
Pleurostylia africana, 1943
Torre, A.R.
32 14
Berchemia discolor, 1943
Torre, A.R.
30 6
Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa, 1943
Gossweiler, J.
44 9

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