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  Browse By Year 1934

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Cuviera schliebenii, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
46 20
Cuviera schliebenii, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
36 9
Coffea schliebenii, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
Psychotria cyathicalyx, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
56 8
Psiadia godotiana, 1934
Humbert, J.
68 21
Jasminum tomentosum var. lutambense, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
66 16
Olea kilimandscharica, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
60 13
Ancylobothrys pyriformis, 1934
Le Testu, G.
55 13
Strychnos panganensis, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
Omphalea mansfeldiana, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
72 15
Combretum xanthothyrsum, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
48 15
Dicliptera insignis, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
36 6
Schliebenia secunda, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
36 24
Clerodendrum lutambense, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
58 16
Achyranthes aspera var. pubescens, 1934
Torre, A.R.
88 18
Achyranthes aspera var. pubescens, 1934
Torre, A.R.
68 18
Ricinodendron viticoides, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
44 12
Ricinodendron gracilius, 1934
Schlieben, H.J.
40 15
Crotalaria recumbens, 1934
Hundt, O.
30 6
Cleome gynandra, 1934
Espírito Santo, J.V.G.
Tricalysia anomala var. guineensis, 1934
Le Testu, G.
43 14
Crotalaria filicaulis, 1934
Hundt, O.
Hibiscus acetosella, 1934
Rodrigues, G.S.
32 7
Hibiscus cannabinus, 1934
Rodrigues, G.S.
29 7
Hibiscus cannabinus, 1934
Rodrigues, G.S.
28 6
Hibiscus cannabinus, 1934
Rodrigues, G.S.
26 5
Hibiscus cannabinus, 1934
Rodrigues, G.S.
28 7
Zehneria keayana, 1934
Gossweiler, J.
38 10
Clematis brachiata, 1934
Torre, A.R.
39 8
Clematis villosa, 1934
Torre, A.R.
32 6
Clematis uhehensis, 1934
Torre, A.R.
35 6
Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea, 1934
Torre, A.R.
28 4
Rorippa micrantha, 1934
Torre, A.R.
39 8
Eriosema montanum, 1934
Hundt, O.
45 6
Hybanthus enneaspermus var. nyassensis, 1934
Torre, A.R.
38 15
Polygala virgata var. decora, 1934
Torre, A.R.
Polygala albida subsp. stanleyana, 1934
Torre, A.R.
Polygala petitiana subsp. parviflora, 1934
Torre, A.R.
Polygala sadebeckiana, 1934
Torre, A.R.
Polygala stenopetala, 1934
Torre, A.R.
Polygala stenopetala, 1934
Torre, A.R.
Polygala stenopetala, 1934
Torre, A.R.
Tephrosia paniculata, 1934
Hundt, O.
31 6
Polycarpaea eriantha var. effusa, 1934
Torre, A.R.
34 9
Silene burchellii var. angustifolia, 1934
Torre, A.R.
45 14
Silene burchellii var. angustifolia, 1934
Torre, A.R.
32 6
Silene burchellii var. angustifolia, 1934
Torre, A.R.
39 13
Silene burchellii var. angustifolia, 1934
Torre, A.R.
30 8
Garcinia pachyclada, 1934
Torre, A.R.
36 9
Hypericum lalandii, 1934
Torre, A.R.
31 8

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